Enable Advanced Scheduling Beta


The Capable 21C Advanced Scheduling system allows template schedules (eg 3 per week for 2 weeks, followed by 2 per week, followed by a progress exam) to be created and then applied to patient/client files with a single click.  At the time this knowledgebase article was prepared, this feature was only available in Beta.  This article explains how to enable the Beta.

Underlying challenge

To enable (or disable) the beta of advanced scheduling, follow the steps detailed below.


To enable (or disable) the beta:

  1. Go to Setup|Settings.
  2. Click on the Other tab.
  3. Click on the Beta Program System Component
  4. Click on the Advanced Scheduling System Setting
  5. Change the value to True to enable the beta, or False to disable the beta
  6. Click Close (no need to apply)
  7. Capable 21C will need to be closed and restarted for this change to take effect

Detailed Information

Refer to Capable 21C Advanced Training for information about how to use and configure the advanced scheduling tool.

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