Extra information about reminders


Capable Software continues to build additional features to enhance the functionality of its reminder system. This knowledgebase article discusses some of the newest features.

Underlying challenge

It is possible to configure reminders such that AM and PM appointments are reminded on different days. In addition, as SMS Reminders are so popular, it is possible to issue SMS Reminders for all patients/clients regardless of their usual contact method.


Refer to the KB-Configuring Reminders for more information about configuring reminders for AM and PM appointments. Refer below for more information about sending SMS reminders for AM and PM appointments.

When sending reminders, the Patient Tracking window shows a tickbox directly beneath the SMS button entitled 'SMS all regardless of contact type'. To send an SMS Message to all patients/clients without having to change all their contact types to SMS, tick this box before clicking the SMS button.

Note that SMS Reminders will only be issued to patients/clients with a valid mobile phone number.

If the patient/client's mobile phone number is not valid - or if it is rejected by the SMS network, the patient/client will not be removed from the Reminder list when the SMS button is clicked.

Detailed Information

Sending AM and PM Reminders.

Some offices opt to send reminders for morning appointments one day before the appointment (during the afternoon of the day before the appointment) and reminders for afternoon appointments on the morning of the appointment.

A very particular procedure is ideally suited to this choice.  The procedure may appear to be a little counter-intuitive, as reminders for the afternoon appointments are sent in the morning, and reminders for morning appointments are sent in the afternoon (of the day before).  The following steps will help to ensure correct operation:

  1. Setup two Periodic Tasks for Reminders. Configure one of them to appear every morning, and the other to appear every afternoon. Both tasks should action Reminders, but they should be named slightly differently. Configure one to be called 'PM Reminders' and its Next Activation Date should be in the morning. Configure the other to be called 'AM Reminders' and its Next Activation Date should be in the afternoon.
  2. When the afternoon task appears on the To Do List, open it as per normal. It will list all patients/clients due to receive a reminder for their appointment the next morning. Check the box to 'SMS all regardless of contact type'. Click the drop-down button beside the SMS button. Choose 'Send SMS to people with AM appts now' from the fly-out menu.
  3. When the morning task appears on the To Do List, open it as per normal. It will list all patients/clients due to receive a reminder for their appointment in the afternoon that day. Check the box to 'SMS all regardless of contact type'. Click the drop-down button beside the SMS button. Choose 'Send SMS to people with PM appts now' from the fly-out menu.

Note that if one of these tasks is accidentally skipped or missed, some strange behaviour may be noticed. For example, if the AM Reminders task is missed, some time after midday, both tasks might be visible on the Things To Do list. Opening either of them will produce the same list - showing both the appointments that should have been SMSes in the morning, AND the appointments for the next morning (which should be SMSes during the afternoon). Sending the SMS Reminders from either of these windows will clear Reminders from both windows.

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