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Capable Software Fundamentals Training

Capable 21C Fundamentals Training Website

Daily Functions and Fundamentals:
Logging in - starting a shift - printing the appointment book - adding a new patient - making appointments - reconfirming appointments - missed and cancelled appointments - invoicing and receipting - making another appointment - accepting payments - pre and bulk payments - modifying receipts - closing the shift and cashing up - printing the banking slips and logging out.

Shift Essentials:
Checking patient history - patient reminders for future appointments - the powers of the To-Do List and button bar - creating, booking and confirming educational/care classes - blocking out shifts - appointment book layout and shading (time allocation for special patient visits) - family payments and receipting - patient categories - fixed monthly rates and pre-scheduling with multi-appointment calendars.

To access the Fundamentals Training Website, you will need your Live Update username (eg cisXXXX) and password (typically eight letters long, all in upper case), and access to Live Updates must be current.

Visit the Fundamentals Training Website now

Date Last Modified: 21/03/2017 4:54:06 PM