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Testimonial Letter
Read what Dr Ross Funnell has to say...

Dr Ross Funnell

Funnell Chiropractic has been using Capable Software since 1997 and we have been so pleased with the product; we have recommended it to many others. The Appointment Book & the ease of making appointment changes are, I think, Capable's best features. Detailed patient information, letters, statements, tracking, reports & easy billing are just some of the other attractive functions of this software package.

My CA's have loved this program since it's installation and have over the 3 years help with the testing of new functions and the implementation of many others.

Funnell Chiropractic feel that we can give Capable Software our highest recommendation as we, ourselves, programmed the highly successful Chirosoft & CA Mate. Capable Software is the Front Office Program for the new millennium.

Date Last Modified: 6/06/2011